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Five More Creepy Mysteries

Updated on March 22, 2015


If you’ve read the previous installments in this series, you know the drill. Here are five more strange enigmas in alphabetical order, with theories that range from conventional to highly unconventional.What is the truth behind these creepy mysteries? Decide for yourself.

A sign commemorating the Green Children of Woolpit.
A sign commemorating the Green Children of Woolpit. | Source

Green Children of Woolpit

Two bizarre children reportedly appeared in the English village of Woolpit sometime during the mid-12th century. The kids, a boy and a girl, had green skin, wore odd clothes, and spoke an unfamiliar language. The boy soon became sick and died, but the girl survived and her skin gradually lost its green hue. After learning English, she told the villagers that she was from a strange place called St. Martin’s Land, an underground kingdom where everyone had green skin. The girl, who was given the name Agnes, said that she and her brother had found themselves in Woolpit after traveling through a mysterious cave. Agnes grew to adulthood and eventually married. The mystery of her origins was never solved.


-The children were orphaned immigrants from another part of Europe. Their green skin could have been caused by dietary deficiencies.

-The kids were from a parallel universe and somehow crossed over into ours.

-They were aliens or were from an underground world.

-The entire story is a folk tale with no basis in fact whatsoever.

Many residents of the city of Taos, New Mexico, have reported hearing the hum.
Many residents of the city of Taos, New Mexico, have reported hearing the hum. | Source

Mystery Hum

If you thought green children were weird, this one will really knock your socks off. For decades, people from all over the world have reported hearing a strange humming noise. In some cases, they can hear it all the time, and it’s driving them nuts. For other people, the hum is only heard sporadically at certain times of the day or week. The phenomena has been reported in the United Kingdom, North America, Ireland, and New Zealand, among other places. What could possibly be causing this mysterious noise? Why can some people hear it, while other people in the same area cannot?


-People who claim to hear the hum are imagining it, or are attributing ordinary background noises to the hum.

-The hum is caused by mechanical devices from corporations or the military.

-The hum is caused by low frequency radio waves.

-Hum sufferers have an auditory or nervous system disorder, such as tinnitus.

A street sign humorously warns drivers to watch for Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) crossing the street.
A street sign humorously warns drivers to watch for Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) crossing the street. | Source
A Bigfoot statue in Silverlake, Washington.
A Bigfoot statue in Silverlake, Washington. | Source

Patterson Film

Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Yeti. The most famous creature in cryptozoology is known by many names, but proof for its existence has been elusive. Most videos purporting to show Bigfoot have been either inconclusive or obvious fakes.

Then there’s the Patterson film. For over four decades, it has remained an enigma. There have been countless attempts to either debunk or validate it. The video is either a genuine depiction of an unknown animal or one of the most iconic hoaxes of all time. Either way, it’s fascinating footage.

In October 1967, two men entered the sprawling redwood forests of northern California. Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin were making a documentary on Bigfoot, and they had heard several reports of sightings in the area. The duo was riding on horseback near Bluff Creek when they claim to have first spotted the creature. The entity depicted in the film, which is shown at relatively close range in broad daylight, is definitely not a bear or any other known animal. It can only be two things – an actual Bigfoot or a man in a suit. Patterson, who died of cancer in 1972, always insisted it was the former. Gimlin, who is still alive, also swears that they filmed a real Sasquatch.

Analyses of the video have focused on the creature’s movements and the proportions of its limbs. Some insist that that the Sasquatch depicted in the film cannot possibly be a man in a costume, while others argue just the opposite. Several different people have come forward over the years claiming that they wore a Bigfoot costume for the film, but none have been able to provide any evidence to support their claims.

Theories -

-Patterson and Gimlin staged a hoax as publicity for their documentary, possibly by using a costume left over from a Hollywood film.

-Someone that knew Patterson/Gimlin dressed up as a Saquatch without their knowledge and hoaxed them.

-Patterson and Gimlin filmed an actual Sasquatch. Bigfoot is real!

The Patterson Film

Sign directing travelers to where the incident occurred.
Sign directing travelers to where the incident occurred. | Source

Shag Harbour Incident

The creation of the Patterson Film was not the only unusual and controversial event to occur in October 1967. The townsfolk in Shag Harbour, a tiny fishing village in Novia Scotia, witnessed a group of lights hovering above them on the evening of October 4th. The mysterious craft, if that’s what it was, then crashed into the sea. Many people assumed that it was a plane and a rescue mission was quickly launched to find survivors. The would-be rescuers reported seeing a strange yellow foam float to the top of the water, but they found little else of note. The Canadian Navy also conducted an underwater search, but reportedly found nothing. Some residents later reported seeing a similar object in the sky a week later.

What did the witnesses see? Everyone was baffled, including the Canadian government. No planes were missing, and flares were ruled out as well. The government eventually admitted that they had no explanation for the incident. The object was even referred to as a “UFO” on official government documents. The incident’s fame has grown over the ensuing decades, and it is sometimes referred to as “Canada’s Roswell”. Today, Shag Harbour features its own UFO museum chronicling the event.


-The object was a top secret Cold War weapon, possibly from the Soviet Union.

-The UFO was an extraterrestrial craft. Perhaps it had amphibious capabilities and was able to travel underwater, which would explain why nothing was found at the “crash” site.

-Witnesses actually saw natural aerial phenomena, such as St. Elmo’s Fire, which they misinterpreted.

shag harbour novia scotia:
Shag Harbour, NS B0W, Canada

get directions

The stars in the constellation Sagittarius, where the mysterious signal seems to have originated.
The stars in the constellation Sagittarius, where the mysterious signal seems to have originated. | Source

"Wow” Signal

For decades, the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has used cutting edge technology to search the skies for alien broadcasts. In 1977, an Ohio State University SETI volunteer named Jerry Ehman was scanning outer space with a radio telescope hoping to discover extraterrestrial signals. Incredibly, he did - or so it seemed. For over a minute, a very strong signal was received from somewhere within the constellation Sagittarius, a group of stars located over 120 light years away from Earth. The signal was broadcast on a protected frequency range that was not allowed to be used (by Earthlings, anyway). Amazed and excited by his discovery, Ehman wrote “Wow!” in pen on his printout of the data, giving the signal its name.

In the decades since, there have been many attempts to find the mysterious signal again. Radio telescopes with far more technological prowess have homed in on in the same area, hoping to rediscover it. So far, these efforts have been fruitless.

Was the “Wow” signal really a broadcast from another world? Were aliens attempting to communicate with us? Or is there a mundane explanation?


-The signal was from some type of natural interstellar source.

-It was an artificially created signal made by an alien civilization.

-It originated from Earth and bounced off of space debris, causing it to be misinterpreted.


Which of these mysteries do you think is the creepiest?

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